Thursday, January 5, 2012


My poor little baby, my computer, is sick. It has a virus. Ugh! So annoying! I even figured out how to fix the virus by myself, but the tech department has it set so that I can't, or so I thought.

I went into the the tech office during break today and they were actually nice and not condescending *shocking*. They completely understood, and they told me they could remove the virus within minutes, but because it had already done some damage and because they wanted to upgrade the security program they would have to re-image it. *sigh* OK, fine. They can have my baby and re-image it. I kinda new this was happening. I mean I could NOT open any of my programs the normal way. It would say it didn't exist or it would ask me to open it and download it in another program. So I backed up all my files (including my precious Sims 3 ones) and gave it to them.

So now I have a spare. It's the last one too. Yay! I'm lucky to have this for three reasons. One, eighteen people came in yesterday with the same problem. There go most of the spares. Two, this spare was broken until this morning when the guy fixed it. And three, the freshman before me had a super serious problem with his computer and probably needed a spare more than I did (I rarely use my computer in class. Just for email, math homework, and anatomy and physiology). However, this kid was a little doucher and so the tech said they would have to figure it out later and sent him away with nothing. I got the spare. So, yay.

I just don't know how long the re-imaging is going to take. Sims for quite awhile. Probably no new fanfictions or stuff for dA either. Oh well, it's not like I updated regularly on anything but twitter and tumblr anyway.

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