Monday, November 28, 2011

I guess it's just high school, but I shouldn't feel this way.

Kayt, I don't know how often you read this blog, but it's targeted towards you, as you are one of the only people I can really talk to anymore and you're never on facebook/answer your phone.

High school sucks. I know, I know. It's high school, it's supposed to suck, but my friends shouldn't make me feel like crap. Most of them don't even know they're doing it. I can't voice ANY opinions at all without being attacked, and then made to feel like I'm a horrible person. I'm an outcast in my friends, or at least I feel like it. I write a poem every time someone makes me feel less than human. I started this less than a month ago, and I have 20 poems.

None of my friends at school seem to listen anymore. I'm so excited for the play because the "hardcore" drama kids treat me with respect. I wish I could hang out with them, but that would be so weird middle of my junior year. Plus, most of them would be graduating this year. Sure, I'm not an angel, but if I'm mean to someone, I don't mean it. I'm sarcastic. I don't mean it.

Lauren told me to write this blog. I stayed up late with her talking about it. It was nice to finally talk to someone about it, but she was worried that I was keeping it all in. So I wrote this blog, and I'm addressing it to you in hope you'll answer. I'm tired of keeping it all inside of me.

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